By The Numbers - Iowa Latino facts - State of Iowa

215,986 is the estimated Latino population, according to the 2020 Census, making people of Hispanic or Latino origin the state’s largest race or ethnic minority.

Latinos constitute 6.8 percent of the state’s total population which is a 161.9% change in the Latino population from 2000 to 2020. 

518,323 is the projected Latino population of Iowa as of July 1, 2050, according to the 2020 Woods & Pool Economics Inc. Latinos will constitute 14.8 percent of the state’s total population on that date.

41,451 The number of Latino families in 2021 who resided in Iowa. Of these families, 70.7 percent include related children under 18 years of age.

Percentage of Latino population under age 5 as of July 1, 2021. Latinos have one of the highest concentration of preschoolers among the other race or ethnic groups. 2021 Annual Population Estimate.

The number of Latino grandparents in 2021 living with their own grandchildren. 22.2% of those are responsible for the own grandchildren under 18 years of age.

$52,082 The median income of Latino households in 2021.The median household income for the state was $65,600.

$58,565 The median income of Latino families in 2021. The median family income for the state was $84,908.

$20,333 The per capita income of Latinos in 2021.The per capita income for the state was $35,715.

19.4% The poverty rate for the Latino population in 2021. The corresponding rate for Iowa is 11.1 percent.

14.5% The percent of Iowa Latino population with no health insurance coverage in 2021. The corresponding rate for all Iowa is 4.8 percent.

64,567 The number Latinos enrolled in the state’s elementary and high schools during the 2021-2022 school year.

13,613 The number Latinos enrolled in the state’s universities and colleges. This represents 7.6% of the total enrollment. Source: 2021Student & Faculty Diversity Report, Iowa College Aid

16.6% The percentage of Iowa Latinos age 25 and over, with a bachelor’s degree or higher in 2021. In Iowa the percentage of total population with a bachelor’s degree or higher was 30.5%.

70.3% The percentage of Iowa Latinos age 25 and over, who had at least a high school education in 2021. In Iowa the percentage of total population with at least a high school education was 93.3%

3,937 Number of Iowa Latinos 25 years and older with a graduate or advanced degree in 2021.

289.7% Percent increase in Latino enrollment between the 1999- 2000 school year and 2021- 2022. Source: Iowa Department of Education

128,039 The number of Iowa residents age 5 and older in 2021 who speak Spanish at home. Among those who speak Spanish at home, 62.9 percent say they speak English “very well.”

21,041 The number of Spanish speaking English Language Learners in Iowa’s public schools during the 2021- 2022 school year. This represents a 240.1 percent increase from the 1999-2000 school year. Source: Iowa Department of Education

75.0% The percent of Iowa Latinos age 16 and over in the labor force in 2021. The percent of Iowans age 16 and over in the labor force was 66.1%.

6.4% The unemployment rate of Iowa Latinos in 2021. In comparison the state of Iowa’s unemployment rate was 3.6%.

25.2% The percent in 2021 of Iowa Latinos in the production, transportation, and material moving occupations.

22,896 Iowa Latinos in management, business, science and arts occupations in 2021. 28.5% of the Latinos in this occupation group are in management occupations

$29,330 The 2021 median earnings for Latinos in Iowa. The median earnings for the state of Iowa was $39,068.

$42,363 The median earnings for Latino males in 2021 who worked fulltime, year-round.

$35,344 The median earnings for Latina women in Iowa. In comparison the median earning for men and women in the state of Iowa were$56,427 and $44,801respectively

22,896 Iowa Latinos in management, business, science and arts occupations in 2021. 28.5% of the Latinos in this occupation group are in management occupations.

21.0% The percentage of Iowa Latinos in service occupations in 2021.

8,081 Latinos are working in food preparation and serving related occupations

14,356 The number of Iowa Latinos in natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations in 2021.

36.3% Percentage in 2021of Iowa’s foreign-born population from Latin America. This amounts to 62,836 people.

27.8% The percent of Iowa Latinos in 2021 who are foreign born.

41,688 The number of foreign-born Iowans in 2021 who were born in Mexico, by far more than any other Latin American country or any other country in the world. Other Latin American countries of origin with a large foreign-born population are El Salvador (4,285), Brazil (888), Cuba (559), and Colombia (1,176)

45,290 The number of Latinos in Polk County in 2021, making it the largest population of Latinos in any county at 21.1% of the state-wide population.

56.5% Over half of the total 2021 Latino population live in eight counties Polk, Woodbury, Scott, Marshall, Johnson, Linn, Pottawattamie, and Muscatine.

30.4% The percent of total population in Crawford County who are Latino in 2021. Other Iowa counties with a high percentage of Latinos are Buena Vista (27.5%), Marshall (24.9%), Muscatine (18.8%), and Woodbury(18.6%).

52.2% Over half of the growth in Iowa’s Latino population from 2000-2021 occurred in seven counties: Polk, Woodbury, Johnson, Marshall, Scott, Linn, and Pottawattamie. The Latino population in Ringgold increased by 907.7% and by 816.7% in Lyon county between 2000 and 2021. 2021 Annual Population Estimates


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