An annual fee of $75.00 is set for issuance of a LULAC charter to a group that applies and is approved for affiliation as a local LULAC council. Said fee shall be renewed on an annual basis; payable and due to the LULAC National Treasurer on the 1st day of January each year and payable no later than February 28th of the same year by each local council. Any council not having paid said fee by the February 28 due date shall have its charter revoked and will be required to apply for a new charter and pay all fees as prescribed for chartering of a new council.
All new members shall pay a one-time initiation fee of $6.00 plus $15.00 in annual membership dues.
Any ex-member who has been dormant for a year or more, and who desires to reapply for membership rather than pay dues in arrears must pay a total of $21.00 in membership and initiation fees. Said dues are to be collected by the Local Council and forwarded to the National Office in Washington, DC.Renewing members will pay $15.00 annual membership dues to the National Office to be in good standing. Dues must also be paid to the District and State offices in accordance with their requirements.
Active Members:
All active members shall be subject to National, State, District, and local council monthly dues in such amounts as may be set up and approved by each Assembly by majority vote, with the exception of Life Members who are exempt from National dues.
The Membership Services Department and the membership coordinator are located in the LULAC Office in El Paso, Texas at:
201 East Main, Suite 605
El Paso, Texas 79901,
(915) 577-0726,
Fax: (915) 577-0914