Forming A Council


What is a LULAC Council?

A LULAC Council is an affiliated unit of the League of United Latin American Citizens that is comprised of volunteer members who work within a community under the authority of a Charter granted by the LULAC National Board of Directors upon approval of an application for LULAC Charter.

There are currently more than 900 LULAC Councils throughout the United States and Puerto Rico and 5 LULAC Councils throughout Iowa who work to improve the quality of life for Hispanics in the communities in which they are located.

Who Can Become a LULAC Member?

All persons of either sex who are residents of the United State of America, or citizens of the United States residing abroad, and are eighteen years of age or older, and whose loyalty to our country is unquestionable, are eligible for membership in LULAC.

How a Council is Organized

A local council may be organized under the sponsorship of an active council and/or of any District, State or National Executive Board officer or any combination of these according to the procedures set forth below. If there are no councils in your immediate area, active council sponsorship is waived:

  1. A group of not less than ten persons that meets all qualifications for membership shall, on its own initiative or that of one of the possible sponsoring entities, stipulated above, meet and elect officers and otherwise constitute itself into an organized body.
  2. After orientation as to the principles, work and structure of the League, the group shall fill out an Application for LULAC Charter form. If you desire to organize a youth group, fill out the Youth Charter Application. The application includes a roster of all members and officers of the group complete with mailing addresses and telephone numbers. The yearly fees include the 1) annual charter fee of $75.00, 2) a $15.00 annual membership fee for each member on the roster, and a one-time initiation fee of $6.00 for each member on the roster. All this information is forwarded to the National Office in Washington, DC. All new councils chartered 30 days prior to the LULAC National Convention are allowed voting privileges.

Upon approval of the application by the National Executive Board, a Charter will be issued by the National Office and sent to the Organizing Officer; The Organizing Officer shall arrange a place and date with the new Council for the initiation of members, installation of officers, and presentation of charter;

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